Prepared Itinerary Or Spontaneity
Do like to have a prepared itinerary or do you like spontaneity? When you travel every month to a major destination you learn to pack lean. Claire (blue) and I (tan) travel with the same hand luggage. Here are some of its features that should wow you: Expandable (1/3 extra room after you’ve landed) Easy […]
Paradise Island – Bahamas
Our trip to Paradise Island in the Bahamas was a last minute affair. Standby tickets with carry-on luggage and the hopes of pure sunshine. We took a taxi using the set and posted prices. During our stay the lobby was under construction but we were treated royally. Jamie asked for a rate equal to the […]
CUBA – A Trip Into My Childhood
The twenty minute ride from the airport to downtown Havana was riddled with memories. Memories of driving to the dry cleaners in the midst of morning smog as a child, the memories of working on the exhaust system of my MGA, or driving my VW Beetle in downtown Detroit. Smog, soot and the real sense […]