
You Want To Write A Travel Blog!

We started writing our blog in June of 2019 and it is now July. What were we thinking? For one, Claire needs a hobby! Second, we wanted to follow what we like doing – traveling! So… we started by ranking our competitors – aim high, we said. And we learned how to write a travel blog. We used a Domain Comparison Tool called and then did our own search of social media – Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and more to rank our top 15 travel blogs. By the way, its my blog so we are in the top 15! Already? I’ll try to explain why we have a leg up! But in the meantime DO YOU WANT TO WRITE A TRAVEL BLOG!? Here is what we’ve learned.

Top 15 Blogs!

100 Points – We rank it number one as we do not see another travel blog that scores higher. The site blows the competition off the map with clarity of concept! They drew out a plan of what they wanted to focus on. In my estimation, short on two accounts. Their STAY, DO, EAT categories follows the Bible’s “Eat, drink and be merry” close enough but we have added to Travel These Stones the thought of PLAN, STAY, DO, EAT (DRINK), and TELL with a good dose of PRAY added in! They also rank higher than the competition in the following ways: notably, links to .gov and .edu domains; incredible numbers of pictures using full screen resolution; and tons of text! In every category that you can imagine, they score the highest! PS. I love the maps, the mountain niche and the itineraries!

97 Points – Rick Steves has spent a career in travel. His khaki pants and blue denim shirts are a signature hallmark of anyone who has followed his shows. Jamie, from Travel These Stones, looks a lot like him and while traveling in wine country Jamie is often whisked to the front of the line, despite protests, by those who see Jamie’s likeness in Rick’s celebrity status. Here are two pictures to show the similarities. Rick Steves has capitalized on his knowledge of geography, history and does use his travel footage to his advantage. He is a man of faith (Lutheran) as is Jamie. Jamie, however, has also been a consultant to the motion picture industry, has auditioned and been filmed for Canada’s Dragon’s Den (Canada’s version of Shark Tank) and uses his deep knowledge of history and film to help you PLAN your trips. Jamie employs his faith to help you GROW!

97 Points – Matt the nomad is a close second to Rick. He capitalizes on youth, stamina and the practical nature of travel. Which college student has not considered taking a year off to travel, backpack in hand, hostel guides also in hand, to navigate accommodations around the world? Young people also have a willingness to work or play and meet people. At Travel These Stones we recognize that those most likely to travel are those travelers planning retirement. They perhaps have the most time and let’s face it – the finances to travel. So, let’s be blunt, like in the movie “Good Will Hunting” who knows the most about life – Matt or Jamie? Just perhaps – those who have traveled these stones for a while, know its history, have lectured in university classes for years (to 18-23 year-old students), and have been guides for one group of travelers after another, that they might just have a story of their own. If 50 is the new 40, then Jamie and Claire can probably run circles (Did we say we are part of the USRSA?) around the competition with stamina, a youth of their own, resources to PLAN, STAY, RUN, DO, EAT and REPEAT!

92 Points – Ranking number four, you can begin to see the differences among competitors more fully – 4,304 images instead of 378,530 images. The differences in references to university sites and government sites are also evident. The balance and knowledge of “DoFollow and NoFollow” LINKS internally and externally also become evident in the stats. It is clear the affiliates one can attract, the mood and type of advertising is also markedly different. Each of the sites mentioned DO monetize their travel blog but the space and subtle nature of the enterprise is what matters most in our opinion. Travel These Stones knows it takes time to build a blog. Our plan is on a three year trajectory but our pace is now a sprint. Content matters and good content even more. We can learn by imitation – key words, topics, resources and staying on top of our game. Google is changing its metrics and new social media products are advancing and did I say Jamie is learning to fly drones!

  • 92 Points –
  • 90 Points –
  • 90 Points –
  • 90 Points –
  • 86 Points –
  • 85 Points –
  • 83 Points –
  • 83 Points –
  • 82 Points –
  • 82 Points –

13 Points – What’s wrong? Nothing! The site only went live in June and is building, building and posting! We will be updating this post as our numbers and ranking grows. You can help by linking to our blog and posts and sharing them. But remember we:


We do it with EXPERIENCE, and you will be SURPRISED BY THE JOY! Please come and follow Jamie and Claire. Grow with us! Come to understand ho to write a travel blog together with us. You can learn more about Jamie and Claire here.

I’ve begun to meet some neat people who are on a similar journey. Take a look at Seth who is looking a concerts, travel and more on his new blog-

More to Explore

The ABCs of the Dutch Carribean

The ABC Islands are all different – You have to imagine a painting.  While historically they are part of the Dutch Antilles,

Bonaire – Old World Pace

Roosters crow at almost any time of night or day, billy goats walk the streets, donkeys bray, and the dogs are howling.

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