10 Amazing Cities In Europe For Digital Nomads And Those Who Love To Travel

Are you anything like me? Are you a travel-holic who loves luxury destinations but sometimes just likes to throw up your heals? Do you living and work from a laptop, spending every break or long weekend traveling a couple of days, weeks or months here and generally carrying all your belongings in your backpack? More […]
You Want To Write A Travel Blog!

We started writing our blog in June of 2019 and it is now July. What were we thinking? For one, Claire needs a hobby! Second, we wanted to follow what we like doing – traveling! So… we started by ranking our competitors – aim high, we said. And we learned how to write a travel […]
My Monthly Income From This Travel Blog!

July 2019 Well it is exactly one month after the blog went live and we made a total amount of $4.44 in affiliate commissions and .26 cents in PPC ads. No checks cut yet, but we sent 8,000 emails out on prime day and we hope our constant work at backlinks will improve these numbers […]
Jamie’s Winery

Wineries, including Jamie’s winery, have been blending different grape varieties into complex fusions for as long as they have been bottling this delightful, fermented fruit. But, knowing that there was so much more to be discovered, Jamie and Claire longed for a wine experience unlike any other. We wanted to experience the marriage of a […]