
CitizenM Hotels – Paris

We give it 5/5 stones!

The reviews are not wrong on this puppy– 9.1+ ratings! We were surprised that a CitizenM hotel room of 150 square feet could offer so much, but anyone familiar with the millennial craze for ”Tiny Houses” should not be surprised that they loaded each room for bear! We love the fact that the millennials who frequent this kind of hotel can meet, socialize, and mix it up with new friends on the bottom floor.

The cost is 99.00 EUR and for Paris this is a great deal. Yes, you have to take the CDGVal RER-B into Paris some 30-40 minutes away at 10 EUR per person one direction. By the way, don’t buy the round trip ticket. We dined late into the night at Le Grande Colbert Restaurant and had to hop the gate because our round trip ticket was caput. We got to the last stop at the airport but the clock struck 12 and our tickets turned into pumpkins and they did not work. By the way, we have stayed near the Louvre and had to pay 250 EUR plus for accommodations that were romantic enough (as shoe boxes go) but the CitizenM was great for the budget and the rain-head showers with AM and PM shampoos were superb.

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